

Loss Of Teeth

Have you lost many of your teeth? The loss of teeth can have a marked impact on self-image and self-confidence. Beyond these concerns, the loss of teeth can affect your speech and your ability to chew. Lost teeth can also lead to bone regression in the jaw, which in turn can lead to the signs of premature ageing.

  • If you have lost many of your teeth, the good news is that getting dentures can help to restore your smile and your ability to eat, drink and laugh again.


Denture Technology

Denture technology has advanced drastically over the past few decades. Today’s dentures fit comfortably and look wonderfully natural when they are in place. Patients who get dentures, whether partial dentures or a full set, report feeling a renewed sense of confidence in their appearance.

Dentures are dental prosthetics that take the place of natural teeth that have been lost or extracted. There are several types of dentures, with many offering the ability to be removed and cleaned at the end of the day.
Dentures are a minimally invasive solution to help restore a smile. With advances in technology, patients are able to get dentures that provide a seamless natural look.
Denture prosthetics feature a flesh-toned base with porcelain teeth that allow you to talk and laugh without worry.

What are the types of dentures?

It’s important to remember that dentures are a custom-made solution, designed to meet the unique needs of each patient. The types of dentures that are the best choice for your needs will be based upon the number of teeth you are missing and your overall oral health.

permanent dentures-dublin

Options in dentures include partial dentures, permanently fixed dentures and the traditional removable full dentures that many of us are familiar with.

Partial dentures have a flesh-toned base and porcelain teeth, just like full dentures do. The colour of the porcelain teeth can be matched to your healthy teeth so that you get the seamless look that you are interested in. Partial dentures are very much like dental bridges, with the exception being that a partial denture can be removed by the patient. Dental bridges are bonded in place and can only be removed by the dentist.

Full dentures are prosthetics that take the place of all of the teeth on your lower jaw, your upper jaw, or both. If you are interested in full dentures you may need to have any remaining teeth extracted in order to proceed with dentures.

Permanent Dentures

Dentures that are supported by strategically placed implants are a good option for patients who are looking for permanent dentures. With just four implants in place, dentures can be secured so that patients get an instant smile makeover.

The choice in dentures that is best for you will depend on a number of personal factors. A consultation with your dentist will help you to make the best decision to meet your needs.

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Thank you to everyone at Fingerpost Dental especially Sarah who did an amazing job cleaning my teeth.. I have gone from dreading going to the dentist to looking forward to my next visit

— Anita Canty
  • review rating 5  My teeth have never been cleaner!

    thumb Cian Desmond
  • review rating 5  Dr. OKeeffe is awesome. The easiest trip to the dentist I've ever had! Thanks again Kate!

    thumb sean leastar
  • review rating 5  Great experience, lovely friendly staff & beautiful building.

    thumb Gillian Kelleher
  • review rating 5  Thank you to everyone at Fingerpost Dental especially Sarah who did an amazing job cleaning my teeth.. Iv gone from dreading going to the dentist to looking forward to my next visit . See you in a few months ANITA 😁

    thumb Anita Canty
  • review rating 5  Great with kids!

    thumb Katie Desmond

What are the advantages of dentures?

Dentures can often be a more budget friendly option for patients to consider if they are missing a large number of teeth. Implants are a great permanent option, but they can be costly when there are many missing teeth.

Combining implants and dentures can offer the best of both worlds for patients looking for permanent denture solutions. Dentures will restore the ability to speak and chew without impediment. Implant-supported dentures make it that much easier to enjoy life, without needing to worry about the denture gel failing mid-conversation. Discussion your preferences and your goals for your smile with your dentist can help you to make the right decision.

Removable Dentures

Dentures can last for a number of years if they are taken care of. It’s just as easy to take care of dentures as it is to take care of natural teeth. Removable dentures, both partial and full, can be removed to be cleaned at the end of each meal. Permanent dentures can be cleaned just as you would care for your natural teeth, with brushing and a quality mouth rinse.

Other Dental Services We Offer

We are a state-of-the-art dental practice located in the heart of Douglas, Cork, situated overlooking the Fingerpost roundabout; between the Doctor’s Surgery and the Veterinary Clinic.

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Get your smile back with dentures made just for you. We offer a number of solutions for smile restoration. Learn more by booking your appointment online or call our clinic at 021 489 4400

We will contact you within one business day.